
  • Can you talk about three names you go by? They call me serouj and ser
  • Can you talk about three things you like about yourself? I’m happy i like my hair I like my eyes
  • Can you talk about three things you dislike about yourself?when I get scared and I dislike about myself is is fear of heights and get scared alone
  • Can you talk about three things that scare you?my sister heights
  • Can you talk about three things you need to do everyday?study play video games and eat
  • Can you talk about three things you are wearing now?pants t-shirt and shoes
  • Can you talk about three of your favorite band that you listen to now?
  • Can you talk about three of your favorite songs?my favorite music is robbery,red roses and  ric flair drip
  • Can you talk about three things you want to do in the next twelve months?play games get a new pc watch YouTube
  • Can you talk about three things you want in a relationship?have fun be happy and play games
  • Can you talk about three things you can’t do?i can’t drive I can’t cook i cant work
  • Can you talk about three of your hobbies?play games,play tennis and play basketball
  • Can you talk about three things you want to do right now?play games,watch YouTube, hug my mom
  • Can you talk about three things you want to do before the end of the year?play games, spend time with my family , and have my last sleep
  • Can you talk about three cities you would like to visit?i wanna visit Disney land, London and Australia
  • Can you talk about three of your favorite things to eat?my favorite food is pizza  burger pasta
  • Can you talk three people who have influenced your life?my mom my dad and my friends
  • Can you talk about three of your most prized possessions?my three most prized possessions is my laptop and my toy car and my and my old books

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